Following on the success of the Usable Packaging Webinar in French in February 2021, a webinar in Italian was held on 15th April 2021.  The Usable Packaging project is funded by the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking as part of the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Its aim is to significantly reduce the use of fossil-based, environmentally harmful packaging by developing a bio-alternative, derived from by-products of the food industry and and food waste. 

    Hosted by BBIA, the webinar included the following series of speakers:

    • Fabiana Fantinel (INNOEXC) – Introduction to Usable Packaging.
    • David Bolzonella (Università di Verona) and Mauro Majone (Università di Roma La Sapienza) – The innovation in the process of production of biopolymers from food side streams.
    • Annamaria Celli (Università di Bologna) and Alessandro Carfagnini (SABIOMATERIALS) – Development of new sustainable materials for the packaging industry.
    • Tiziana De Micheli and Giacomo Canali (Barilla) – From side streams of the food processing industry to sustainable food packaging: a circular approach.

        The webinar presentations are available for download below. Please note that the presentations are in Italian.

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